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The Benefits of a Paging System

Introduction: The Continuous need for a paging system

The direction of communication technology is the achievement of more personalized means of communication. The developments of the emails and the text messages mean people can send messages to one particular individual that cannot be accessed by another individual (ceteris paribus). Various social media platforms also have personalized messaging that enable people to communicate in a personalized way.

However, we cannot overlook the need for and the effectiveness of broadcast messages like the one from a paging system.

When there is a fire alarm in a building, how do you communicate with everyone in the building? Start sending emails or text messages? That is even assuming you have the emails and phone numbers of everyone in the building. How does a school communicate urgent and time-sensitive information to all the students in the school or students belonging to a particular group? Send emails and messages?

It is therefore evident that even in the world of personalized messaging; a paging system is a necessity.

What is a paging system?

According to Your Dictionary, “A public address, or loudspeaker, system used to make announcements and notify or summon people. In large buildings, paging systems commonly are divided into some zones, or coverage areas. Key telephone systems (KTSs) commonly feature voice-over paging, which allows an authorized user to page through the intercom system, which works through the speakers built into the telephone sets. See also intercom and KTS.

A paging system provides a platform where you can deliver broadcast messages in small and large buildings; whether that is a school, a retail store, an organization, or even a hospital. It provides a way to send a message to multiple people at the same time without the stress of a personalized message.

Benefits of a Paging System

What are some benefits of the paging system?

• The best medium of communication in emergencies: In emergencies, especially where security and safety is an issue, the paging system can offer great advantages over all other means of communication.

• Better delivery and open rate: Emails can be sent and hang in the system. Even when they are received, recipients can ignore them. SMS can be lost in network issues. But with the paging system, the message is loud and clear, delivered and received by the intended recipients.

• Lower Cost: A paging system has a low maintenance cost. You can use them for a long period with no significant overhead or running cost.

• The best medium of communication for urgent messages: It is better to deliver time-sensitive, urgent messages through a paging system compared to other means of communication.

• Targeting: A paging system can also send targeted messages to a specified audience. This is done by creating different zones and sending a broadcast message to a specific zone, excluding other zones that have no interest in the message.

A paging system is a necessity for hospitals, retail stores, schools, and other organizations. Setting up a paging system will yield many advantages to the communication process.

POGO security is experienced, tested and proven. We help to install paging systems to different types of organizations, improving the communication system of the organization.

We are available to help you. Contact us and let us do for you what we do best.

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