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Florida Families need to Use Security System Equipment

burglar alarm system in Florida

Home and business owners need to take steps to protect themselves.  There are several tips to protect your residence or business against burglars and other crime, especially in Florida. The statistics can be alarming.  For example, according to a Florida Uniform Crime Report, explains that in 2017, 29% of burglaries occurred at a non-residential unit […]

How to Avoid Employee Theft in Your Retail Shop

As weird as it sounds, it is much more common than we like to think. According to a study, over 75% of employees have stolen from their employers at least once. With the scales tipping enormously in favor of such unwarranted embezzlement, proper precautions and insulation against such occurrences are necessary. We, at Pogo Security, […]

How to Choose the Most Suitable Access Control System for Your Property

With every passing day, you come across an innovation to shake up the world. The advancements in giving security to your property are also on the rise. Security systems include access control systems and burglar alarms, not to forget 24-hour surveillance cameras. However, choosing the best and the most appropriate security systems for allowing the […]

Benefits Of Installing Burglar Alarms

There are many people who debate on Burglar Alarm System to be less effective and all about the hype. However, it can be argued that installing burglar alarms in your home will help you in keeping your home safe. This method is also very effective and beneficial for companies and other public institutions as an […]

Home Security Advice

When the topic of home security springs to mind, most people seem to think of burglar alarms and little to nothing else. Alarms can be a great way to protect your home, although they are only a small part of what makes up an effective home security system. Burglar alarms are a key to protecting […]

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