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Four Fantastic Places We Love Seeing Security Cameras

access control systems in Golden Beach

Security Cameras, CCTV, Closed-circuit television, and “the cameras” – all names for a device that helps keep our homes, businesses, and communities safer.   Those on the hunt for security cameras in Pinecrest, FL are no strangers to the concept.  In fact, their desire for peace of mind, protection, and security (and perhaps even justice) sends them on a journey.  On this voyage, though, they may need a guide to provide some background information on the security cameras they seek.

If this story resonates with you, then you are in the right place.  Security equipment professions don’t just sell and install cameras, burglar alarm systems, and sound systems in Medley, FL. We also believe in outreach and education.  That’s why we run this blog, to inform customers of the real dangers (and the solutions) in a forum that is fast, fun, and accessible to Miami-area residents and beyond. 

Today, we’re sharing four places we love seeing security cameras.  These locations are smart if you have protection and security in mind.

  1. Ding Dong!  Hello! Who’s at the front door?  Is it the mailman?  Is it your lovely next-door neighbor, Aunt Bea?  Is it a homicidal maniac?  Is it a burglar?  If you invest in a security camera, you don’t have to guess.  You can take a peek at the screen before opening the door.  It’s most likely a scout selling some cookies, but don’t you want to know who is lurking at the door before answering it?  Another reason we recommend residential security cameras in Miami is that you can use the camera to track when you’re receiving packages. 
  2. Cha-ching! Dollar signs!  You have to guard the register closely.  You never know when somebody has their eye on that cold hard cash.  A stranger with a weapon could barge into the store at any time.  It will be easier to catch the criminal with some security footage, especially if it’s in color or HD, both of which are possible today with high-end and mid-range security cameras.  P.S.  Some owners are disappointed to find out employees steal from the drawer.  That’s easily prevented with a good security camera and cash counting policy.
  3. Garages and backdoors.  Okay, so maybe this isn’t the most glamorous of locations.  However, it is one that warrants a second look when it comes to installing security cameras.  Any entrance or exit is a vulnerable point in the mind of a security professional.  That means you might not only consider installing cameras to track what’s going on at entrances and exits, but you might also think about researching access control systems in Golden Beach
  4. Schools, Libraries, and Recreation Centers.  We love community resources like schools, libraries, and recreation centers.  Museums, government buildings, and parks also can benefit from additional security.  The beauty of these facilities is that they often have a security person or team present.  They use the CCTV technology to better survey the premises. 

Today, you should have learned some great places to install security cameras. 

If you are ready to make the investment, or have other ideas on security camera installation, let us know.  Call us today, POGO Security.

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