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Florida Families need to Use Security System Equipment

burglar alarm system in Florida

Home and business owners need to take steps to protect themselves.  There are several tips to protect your residence or business against burglars and other crime, especially in Florida.

The statistics can be alarming.  For example, according to a Florida Uniform Crime Report, explains that in 2017, 29% of burglaries occurred at a non-residential unit and the remaining 71% of burglaries occurred at residences.  People often prefer to think the best of others, that crime is rarer and rarer as time goes on. However, this trust in the general public can be easily shattered by a single incident of theft or vandalism.  For this reason, people need to take security more seriously.  Here are some ways to do so.

Protect Your Property with CCTV Security Systems.

Take a walk around the home or business and identify locations where access is too easy, even if the property is secured.  One recommendation is to install and maintain a secure fence.  It should be tall and possibly sharp at the top to deter climbers.  Check if fences have any weak points – such as between old gates where a smaller person could easily slide through.  Sometimes people mistakenly store trash bins or other equipment near fences, which if left on the wrong side, could making climbing in and out of the property that much easier for criminals and trespassers.

Make sure all doors and windows are secure by locking them when necessary.  Depending on the property, this may be at all times or only when the building is left unoccupied.  Police departments often remind citizens to lock cars and homes. Easy access leaves homes and business vulnerable.

Homeowners should make one or two points of access to enter and leave the property.  CCTV security camera systems can provide recordings of every person who comes in and out of a given, providing additional security.  If a person realizes he is being watched, he will most likely be less apt to commit crime.  If the criminal does commit a crime, there will be sufficient evidence to carry out charges. CCTV Security camera systems are popular in Florida, and many businesses now have camera security systems installed throughout the buildings.

Choose to Install a Burglar Alarm System

Families in Miami and Miami Lakes commonly call to ask about burglar alarm system in Florida.  Burglar alarm systems can provide additional security benefits.  If the alarm sounds, people who are nearby have the opportunity to react appropriately – seeking shelter, activating an emergency action plan, calling for security, calling the police or law enforcement, etc.  Some burglar alarm systems are wired into an infrastructure that notifies police departments of unexpected activity on the premises.  Others can be connected to smoke detectors and notify the fire department if the alarm sounds.

The Bottom Line

Protect your Florida business and home with Pogo Security.  Popular products include burglar alarms and CCTV systems.  Contact us now to review options and prices!

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